EPOS BrainAdapt™ Whitepapers

Research insights conducted by EPOS in collaboration with researchers from Oticon in the Centre for Applied Audiology Research (CAAR) in Denmark.

  • EPOS BrainAdapt™ Whitepaper: Voice Pick-up Study

    The Effects of Industry Leading Voice Pick-up on Conversation Quality and Efficiency

  • EPOS BrainAdapt™ Whitepaper: An Auditory Memory Study

    The effect of noise attenuation on memory recall

  • EPOS BrainAdapt™ Whitepaper: A Dual Task Study

    The effect of noise attenuation on listening effort, efficiency, and reaction time, while performing a dual task

  • Scientific Whitepaper: New Evidence for EPOS BrainAdapt™

    The effects of noise attenuation on listening effort and arousal

  • Study findings peer reviewed at scientific conference

    International Conference on Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication, Linköping, Sweden

  • Study findings peer reviewed at scientific conferences

    International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON) 2022, Lake Tahoe, USA
